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The 40 Best Celebrity Boho Looks of All Time

Bohemian, or ‘Boho,’ style is more than just a fashion trend – it’s an ideology and a culture in its own right, one that has a long, complex history that began in the 18th century. Initially, it was a style reserved only for those at the lowest end of the social scale, who were usually living in poverty, then it was adopted by creatives of all kinds as a way of distancing themselves from the constraints of materialism and social norms, and aligning themselves with ideals such as liberation and environmentalism.


Photo by Bella Howard, NYLON / Source: Splash News / Photo by Swan Gallet, WWD, Shutterstock.com / Masatoshi Okauchi, Shutterstock.com

It was reinvented in the 1960s and 1970s during the hippie movement, but it’s come a long way since then. Currently, boho fashion is part of mainstream culture, defined by its effortlessly relaxed, artistic, and creative attire, consisting mainly of loose-fitting clothes in a combination of different textures, patterns, and materials, and bold accessories. As a result, uncountable celebrities’ styles can be described as distinctly bohemian in nature, and we’ve scoured the internet for the 40 best celebrity boho looks of all time. In no particular order, here they are.