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The Ultimate Guide to Pulling Off the Bohemian Style

The Rise of the Romantics

Romanticism – a literary and artistic movement – originated in France in the 18th century, largely as a reaction to the formality of neo-classicism. Around the middle of the 19th century, the romantics began to incorporate distinctive flowy garments, colorful materials, distressed fabrics, and gypsy-inspired accessories into their fashion; consequently, they started to be associated with the French bohemians.


Photo by Clint Spaulding, WWD, Shutterstock.com / Alena Ozerova, Shutterstock.com / goffkein.pro, Shutterstock.com / Kseniia Perminova, Shutterstock.com


Wearing these types of garments was extremely unusual for this time, as most people tended to stick to societal rules and norms in their everyday lives, including how they dressed and expressed themselves through their appearance. However, this move away from mainstream fashions of the era was monumental, as it marked the true beginning of the bohemian fashion style.