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Get in Shape in No Time With These 50+ Exercises You Can Do on your own



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Pushups are perfect for increasing strength, also engaging the core and lower body. You can practice them anywhere, and there are many variations. Start by kneeling on the mat or floor with your feet behind you.

Now, position your hands firmly on the ground, keeping them aligned with your shoulders. Tighten your abs, engage hamstrings and glutes and flatten your back to keep the body neutral and straight.

Start to lower your body, keeping your back flat and eyes focused. Make sure your body is in-line from head to toe. Exhale while keeping the core engaged and repeat for at least 10-20 reps.
You can also try an alternative position with the hands facing forward. For this, keep your face forward with the elbows close to your shoulders. This position shifts the use of force from the chest muscles to the triceps and helps in reducing the shoulder stress.

*Pro tip: Once you are a pro at pushups, try to mix them with other variations – you can find difficult bodyweight variations online.