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Why I Stopped Drinking Regular Coffee and Switched to Buying My Coffee Beans Roasted-To-Order

Why I Grind at Home

Now, when it comes to grinding at home, this is what I’m all about. If you buy the beans pre-ground, you miss out on one of the points to purchasing quality coffee. When you grind the beans, the inside gets exposed to the air. When it starts to come in contact with the air, it reacts and oxidizes. This is why you get this strong scent of delicious coffee when you start the grinding process.


The absolute best roasted-to-order coffee beans ready to be ground up. If you can’t afford an expensive grinder, do what I did and go to Costco’s!
Source: Instagram

The longer you wait to brew the coffee after you grind it, the more flavor is lost. I read that the beans will lose about 60% of their flavor within 15 minutes of exposure to the air (after grinding). While I’m not sure about the numbers, I can say from experience that the flavor right away is probably the freshest, most flavorful cup of coffee you can get.

Try out the Breakfast Blend beans here.