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A Deeper Look Into Charlize Theron’s Less-Than-Ideal Childhood

Growing Up in South Africa

As you can imagine, this only made her school years even more difficult. Especially when it came to yearbook day. “That was tough, you know, being in school having photos taken while I was pretending I had teeth. It was hideous.” The poor girl. Theron also recalled what it was like growing up in South Africa.


Charlize Theron (Model of the Year) South Africa. Photo By David Sandison/The Independent/Shutterstock

At eight years old, her three most prized possessions were her pet goat, her ballet shoes, and her VHS cassette of the film ‘Splash,’ starring Tom Hanks. Theron admitted to having watched the tape so many times that the VHS’s ribbon tore and she had to fix it with Scotch tape (or as South Africans call it – Sellotape). For Theron, watching that movie was her escape.