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A Look Back at a Classic 90s Show: “Home Improvement”

“Too Talented” To Play the Tool Time Girl

The series creator, Matt Williams, loved Ashley Judd at her audition, but felt that she was simply too talented for the small role of the “Tool Time Girl.” “I called her agent and told him that she was so good, we would find a way to incorporate her into the series, period,” Williams told “Entertainment Weekly.” Williams then came up with an idea to create a sister for Tim Allen’s character.


Photo By James Mccauley/Shutterstock

But Judd’s agent told Williams that she was “not ready to go into television right now. She thinks she has a feature career.” At the time, Judd had no real acting credits. Judd fans know that she, indeed, went on to become a talented movie star, starring in movies like “Heat” and “A Time to Kill.”