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Life According to Brandi Passante of ‘Storage Wars’

Court with Hunter Moore

Brandi took someone to court who she never met, but she had a real reason to. Someone staged an adult film and claimed that Passante was the star in it. A man named Hunter Moore distributed and falsified a film and pictures claiming that they were the Storage Wars star. Due to the nature of the crime, it was taken seriously. He was charged with identity theft and security breach, and Passante requested $2.5 million in damages.


Source: Pinterest

While the judge did rule in Passante’s favor, he didn’t agree with what she was asking for. He awarded her with only $750 and made Moore pay her court fees. She successfully got the site shut down and the photos removed, but once it is put out there, it doesn’t go away. It isn’t possible to ever remove something fully that was shared online.