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Life According to Brandi Passante of ‘Storage Wars’

Stay at Home Mom

So, what is her secret for being a mom with a successful career? Brandy explained that they don’t have a lot of family members close by and usually relied on neighbors and friends of Jarrod to help out when they were first starting out. Brandi said, “If there’s a formula, I haven’t figured it out yet!”


Source: Flickr

“Now we can afford to hire some help,” she said towards the end of her time with Storage Wars. “I work all the time, so I need someone to assist with the day-to-day stuff, but I do try to make time for the kids. In fact, we are going to Universal Studios in a few days. Oh – also, I rely heavily on caffeine to make it through the day!” So, I guess we have our answer to the question: caffeine.