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Reasons Why Alicia Silverstone Is Anything but Clueless

Alicia Silverstone has been called every name in the book. “The Aerosmith chick,” “The Clueless Girl,” “Fatgirl” instead of “Batgirl,” “a hippie weirdo.” Really, the list goes on. So nowadays? Nothing phases her anymore.

She was hurled into the spotlight at a fragile, young age after playing Cher in the quintessential ‘90s chick flick Clueless. She became an overnight sensation. People were obsessed, to say the least. That’s why it was weird to see her slowly fade away.

Alicia Silverstone / Alicia Silverstone and Bear / Alicia Silverstone / Liv Tayler and Alicia Silverstone

Source: Getty Images

Alicia abandoned acting for several years. She despised everything that Hollywood promoted and didn’t want to take part in the mainstream’s vapid, hedonistic crusades. Luckily for us, she’s been making a comeback in recent years.

Let’s take a look at what caused her to leave in the first place.