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Reasons Why Alicia Silverstone Is Anything but Clueless

Chased and Body Shamed by the Paparazzi

So, this is where things got really ugly.

After Clueless, the next movie she dove into was Batman & Robin (1997), directed by Joel Schumacher and apparently hated by everyone but Joel Schumacher. It’s often cited as “the worst Batman movie of all time.” Unfortunately, Silverstone had no way of knowing what a flop it would be, so she put on her Batgirl suit and glided onto the set every day anew.

Alicia Silverstone dressed as Batgirl on the set of Batman & Robin.

Photo by Warner Bros. Pictures/Sunset Boulevard/Corbis/Getty Images

The media’s response to her acting, as well as her appearance, was downright cruel. She was gifted a Razzie Award for worst actress and was given a new nickname – Fatgirl. Barely an adult at the time, she had paparazzi chanting “Fatgirl” as they ran after her on the streets.

“I knew that it was not right to make fun of someone’s body shape, that doesn’t seem like the right thing to be doing to a human,” she told The Guardian in a recent interview.