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Season’s Greetings From Hollywood’s Stars: Celebrity Christmas Cards

Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen

Jason Biggs and fellow actor, Jenny Mollen, have been married for over a decade and the two of them have two sons together. But they never were so into sending out holiday cards. But now that they have a little family, they figured that it’s about time. “I’ve never been adult enough to create holiday cards, but now with two kids, the guilt just doubled,” Mollen shared on her social media.

Holiday card with Jason Biggs and Jenny Mollen

Source: Us Magazine

“It took 4 lactation cookies, three bottles, two dog treats, and the promise of a date night to get this pic.” We all know Biggs from American Pie, but Jenny Mollen Biggs is a lesser-known actress and New York Times-bestselling author. She played Nina Ash on the series Angel, Viva Laughlin, the TV series Crash, and Girls.