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Why Do Meghan Markle’s Assistants Keep Quitting? An Inside Look

Then Harry Met Meghan

Although many eyes have been on Meghan Markle since her acting days in Hollywood (best known for her role of Rachel Zane in the series ‘Suits’), it seems like the world has been watching the woman closer since she joined the Royals. It also looks like not everyone wants to stick around, though, especially her personal assistants.


Photo by Alexi Lubomirski / Shutterstock

While she has her share of naysayers, Prince Harry, the long-time bachelor of the Family, clearly loves her. It took a while for the prince to find someone to settle down with. But then Harry met Meghan. It was the Hollywood fairytale love story that many dreamed about over the years. Fans from across the globe fell in love with both Meghan and their love story.