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An Oncologist’s Perspective: 10 Key Highlights on Neck-And-Head Cancer

Neck-and-head cancers constitute approximately 4% of all malignancy diagnosed in America. However, the malignancies are similarly arduous as the other forms of the ailment. To have a better perspective into this form of cancers, Dr. Moore, an associate professor at UC-Davis Cancer-Centre and renowned oncology specialist takes us through the basics of the neck-and-head variants.

1. Comprehending the Main Causal Agents

Developing an awareness of the main causal agents related to neck-and-head malignant growths is crucial towards preventing them. Smoking and excessive alcohol use are some of the main causes. Normally, malignant tumors that occur in the upper extremities are mostly influenced by lifestyle choices.


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However, not all are related to one’s lifestyle; some are totally spontaneous. Other causes may include bad oral hygiene, work-related hazards, for instance, contact with nickel/wood dust. Also, the HPV and Epstein Barr (EP) viruses are significant causative agents for tongue/throat cancers.