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40 Optical Illusions That Are Sure to Trip You Out

Ever look at a picture, photo, or even a wall and feel as if you were being tricked? Maybe you rub your eyes a little, or scratch you’re head a couple of times, close one eye. keep the other one open, etc. You may think you’re going mad, or maybe you took the wrong pill from the medicine cabinet. If you have ever experienced this but did not understand what was happening, then you probably ran into what’s called an optical illusion.


Photo by frankie’s / Shutterstock

An optical illusion is an illusion caused by the visual system and characterized by a visual perception that differs from reality. They can be illustrated by artists, doctors, or even architects. Optical illusions can be both fun and practical. They have been used to check eyesight or give a physiological prognosis, and they can also be used for a good time with the kids. Or they can even serve as a good poster to hang in your bedroom.

We’ve gathered 40 of our favorites for you to look at. Enjoy!