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Salt Hacks: The Many Ways in Which Salt Can Be Used

Freshen Your Breath

Fresh breath is just one of those things that pretty much any person wants to have. Who opts for unfresh breath? You can buy a mouthwash, or you can use salt. It’s your call. Gargling lukewarm saltwater has some benefits. For one, it kills all the bacteria in your mouth, which is mostly in the back of your throat. If you gargle saltwater at the back of your tongue, the salt will break down all those oils in your mouth.


Source: medicalnewstoday.com

Your breath will definitely smell fresher after that. Saltwater also relieves the pain that comes with a sore throat or a canker sore. And cankers are the worst! So, dissolve 2 teaspoons of salt into 1/4 cup of water and swirl that around your mouth for at least 20 seconds. The salt will kill the germs in your mouth, and you’ll feel less pain.