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Salt Hacks: The Many Ways in Which Salt Can Be Used

Keep Drinks Cold With Salted Ice

Salt does some pretty interesting things. For instance, it causes the freezing point of water to dip below 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit. That means that ice is going to melt if you put salt on it (which is why people put salt on their driveways and sidewalks in the winter). But melted liquid ice is still colder than regular hard ice.


Source: Bitly.com

Anyways, all you need to know is that ice can keep your drinks cold. If you want to chill your beer or spirits quickly, just fill a cooler with water, ice cubes, and some salt. Then place your bottles in the liquid, and you’ll see how well it works. Now you can enjoy your next BBQ without having to go back and forth to the freezer to see if the beers are cold enough to drink.