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Random Vending Machines Found Around the World

Crabs on Demand

Where to find it: China

At first glance, this vending machine looks like it’s selling little aliens. But then again, sea creatures are pretty much aliens. I mean, just look at them! This machine dispenses crabs, yes crabs, for your enjoyment. Oh, and are the crabs dead? No! These crabs are kept alive at around 5 degrees Celsius at the main subway station in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. Feel like buying your own living crab? Do you have between $1.50 and $7? Are you in China? Then you’re set.


Source: Caixin Global

Random crab fact: Blue crabs have an odd mating habit; they only mate once for life! The females hold on to the semen from male crabs for their entire reproductive lifespan, and every set of eggs will be from that same clutch.