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Wake Up and Smell the Coffee – The Ultimate List of Coffee Hacks

Fights Cellulite

Almost everyone has cellulite somewhere on their body and its one of the most annoying things to get rid of! Sure, you can work out, but it doesn’t always work. Did you know coffee is the main ingredient in those overpriced cellulite creams?


Source: Shutterstock.com

All you have to do is mix a 1/4 cup of warm coffee grounds with one tablespoon of olive oil. Apply it on the areas of your body that you have cellulite, and wrap it with saran wrap. Take it off after 10 minutes and then shower as you normally would.  Did you know there are three different types of cellulite? Adipose cellulite is firm, Oedematous cellulite is soft and, Fibrotic cellulite is hard. I’m pretty sure I have all three.