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WD-40: 40 Ways to Use it Other than the Usual Instructions

Remove and Prevent Fingerprints

Fingerprints are not only caused by a sweaty or dirty hand, but they can also occur due to the oil that your skin produces naturally. If you have kids around your home, you’ll know that none of the surfaces are free from fingerprints. Personally, I have made myself crazy before with constant cleaning of the stainless steel appliances in my kitchen.


source: grandmathing.com

However, it is much easier to keep up with the cleaning with this hack. If you see fingerprints on stainless steel surfaces, use WD-40. Spray a spurt of WD-40 on the surface with fingerprints and then clean them off. As WD-40 is water-based and contains a solvent, it works as a degreaser and removes every inch of the marks.