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WD-40: 40 Amazing Ways to Use It so You Can Be like MacGyver

No More Lipstick Marks on Your Collar

Well, lipstick marks are the stains that you don’t want to take home and show it to your significant other. They also don’t look good sticking on the collar of your white shirt. However, to get rid of them, spray a squirt of WD-40 on it. It comes with a water displacement formula that works as a pre-wash treatment for your stain.


source: science101.com

Spray WD-40 directly on the stain; leave it there for few minutes, and wash it. You can remove it either by washing machine or hand wash. However, make sure you don’t wash it directly. Chances are the lipstick stain may spread on the entire collar. Also, don’t let the clothes dry until the stain is fully out. Once the stain sets, there is no going back.