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Bobby Love: The Fugitive Who Got Caught Leading a Double Life for 40 Years

Living in Juvenile Detention

Walter’s life quickly changed, as living in jail can do that to a person. He went from having the freedom to do as he pleased to the strict code of juvenile detention. It’s not easy for a person to adjust, and Miller wasn’t having it. “I hated everything about that place,” Walter said. He hated the food, but he especially despised the violence.


Boy sitting in a juvenile detention cell (not actually Walter Miller) Source: jjie.com

Walter described his fellow inmates at the center as violent. “I still have scars from all the times I got beat up,” he said. Miller also described how at night, he would fall asleep listening to the trains rush by on the tracks nearby. The whistles of the train had become a nightly reminder of the freedom that Walter was so desperately missing.