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DIY Home Makeover Unearthed More Than They Bargained For

Living the DIY Dream

It took quite a while to complete the renovations on the first and second floors, but eventually, the couple got there – and they were delighted with the outcome. It was exactly what they had envisioned when they first bought the property, and they both felt like they were living the dream. The husband had been documenting his progress the entire time, and the transformation was stark.

The husband was using a vacuum on the ceiling

Source: Pinterest

The renovation process had, so far, gone without a hitch. Sure, they’d had a few setbacks along the way, but nothing that they couldn’t easily cope with – and nothing that was out of the ordinary. It seemed like nothing more than a regular, run-of-the-mill home renovation project – and one that was going extremely successfully, no less. The couple had no idea what was waiting for them in the basement.