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Wrongfully Convicted Ex-Inmate Comes Back For Those Who Put Him in Prison

Seven and a Half Years Gone

State Superior Court Judge Leonard Arnold had ordered a new trial, but in 1998, The Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office announced they would not be resuming their criminal case against him. Isaac’s friends and family posted his $250,000 bail and he was finally released from prison. But after losing seven and a half years, he didn’t know if, or how, he could make the time up.


Whoopi Goldberg, 50 cents, Isaac Wright Jr. Source: Instagram

But he started thinking about how he didn’t want to continue on with an ordinary life. He had suffered the consequences of an unfair trial. He wondered if he could do more to make sure that another innocent person never suffered the same fate as him. And with his paralegal experience in prison, he knew what his next steps were.