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A Hole in the Sea That Needed to Be Explored: Richard Branson’s Personal Quest in Unexplored Depths of a “Great Blue Hole”

What the Hole Can Teach Us

When a whole human culture gets wiped from history, it could only be one of only a few things that did it. The Mayans could have disappeared from war, diseases, or famine. That’s the simple answer. But because they didn’t tell us what happened, we need to examine the earth beneath us to understand which one it was. It could not have been war because Mayan structures still stand today.


Source: pri.org

For a long time, it was thought to be a disease that did the trick, but now scientists are saying it could have been drought caused famine. If that’s true then with the earth heating up again today, it’s imperative that scientists understand what the roadmap was to this famine so we can avoid the catastrophe from happening to us again. The deep blue hole would hold the clues to the past, and open clues to the future.