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Adorable Pictures Show Dogs and Their Owners Growing Older Together

Everyone who owns a dog or has ever owned a dog in the past knows how wonderful our canine companions can be. More than just pets, dogs can be brothers, sisters, and best friends. They can be faithful members of the family, looking after us when we’re feeling blue, lifting our spirits on those dark days, brightening up any occasion, and making life so much better.

A dog will stand by you through thick and thin, always wagging its tail when you step through the door, always looking for more cuddles and affection, always eager to please and always loyal. Dogs are wonderful companions to have and can indeed improve daily life in a million different ways. Both as puppies and old-timers, they’re still able to put a smile on your face.

Many people grow up with dogs, and the dogs grow up right alongside them. They spend their lives together, forging a special bond that can never be broken and memories that can never be forgotten. These beautiful photos show that even as time passes and dogs get bigger – sometimes a lot bigger! – their friendship with their owners always stays as strong as ever.

Someone Had A Growth Spurt

What an amazing transformation! When this man last saw his furry friend, he was only the size of a teddy bear, but by the time he got back home, the pup had grown into a genuinely huge bundle of fluff.


source: thechive.com

Members of the military often have to spend long periods away from their friends and family members, as well as their dogs, but furry friends are always happy to see them when they get back home.