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50 Incredible Natural Phenomena From Around the World

The Beautiful Danxia Landforms

Wind and water are both entities that don’t hold any shape of their own, but they certainly have it in them to shape things which they encompass. If you visit the Danxia landforms in the outskirts of China, you will see both W’s in action.


Rainbow Mountains, Zhangye Danxia Geopark, China. Source: Shutterstock.com

The wide-stretching landscape has been painted in beautiful colors and forms by the strong gusts of water and wind. Some mountains have a bright rusty color while others are blue and green and yellow. The contouring is genuinely spectacular. Be like the wind and the water; be shapeless but hold the capability to shape others! And if you visit the Danxia Landforms in China, you can witness how the wind and water have shaped up an entire valley into a fascinating piece of land!