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Her Dog Kept Barking at Her Pregnant Belly, And It Saved Her Life

Alhanna Wasn’t the Only One Who Was Excited

Keola was Alhanna and Ricky’s other family member, who recognized pretty quickly what was going on. The American Akia knew that her mama bear was pregnant. Keola was already a sweet and cuddly furball, but seeing her mom in the state she was now in made her even sweeter. She was constantly at her side.


Source: lifewithdogs.tv

Keola would tend to Alhanna’s needs in her own way as she was day by day, getting more and more pregnant. Her belly swelled up, and Keola noticed. Instead of her usual night trips, Keola started preferring to relax on the couch in the evenings with her head rested on Alhanna’s growing belly. And Alhanna obviously didn’t mind at all – it was comforting!

But soon, Keola’s behavior started changing…