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Social Media Photo Brings a Breakthrough in Missing Persons Case

Blood Samples

The FBI shared these results with Beverly and Carey, but they still insisted that he was Nicholas. Fisher believed that Bourdin was a spy, and contacted the CIA, explaining the potential threat and asking for help in identifying him. But they told her that until she can prove that he’s European, they can’t help her.


Source: IMDB

When Fisher tried to persuade Beverly and Bourdin to give their blood samples for a DNA test, they both adamantly refused. Beverly said, “How dare you say he’s not my son.” By the middle of February, four months after Bourdin arrived, Fisher was able to obtain warrants to force them to cooperate. “I go to her house to get a blood sample, and she lies on the floor and says she’s not going to get up,” Fisher says. “I said, ‘Yes, you are.’ ”