Photo Vagabond: When Wanderlust Becomes Opportunity

Meet Dan Milner a.k.a. the Photo Vagabond. He has been riding since 1985. He goes through unbelievable measures to travel the world and capture incredible moments on camera. Frostbite? Heights? Dan Milner isn’t worried about those things. He has gone from camping in sub 25C temperatures in the Arctic to shouldering bikes over 5000m passes in Afghanistan. As Dan says, it “just comes as part of my job.”

His time is split between the UK, the Alps and wherever his latest assignment demands him to be, where he looks to capture the story or shoot product in an authentic and aspirational way. He sees these opportunities as a way to photograph original content. Oh, and Instagram filters? No way. Dan shoots everything with natural light and no filters whatsoever.

This video is amazing, inspiring, and worth a watch. Enjoy!

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