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Hauntingly Beautiful Places Around the World That Were Abandoned Only to Be Found

It’s not every day that we see complete amusement parks, hospitals, or entire towns left in one piece to collect dust for years. Especially in the world we live in today, with about 7 billion people on the planet and increasingly valuable property, you would think it’s hard to come by abandoned places. But oh, contrary. There are tons of spots all over the globe that have literally been discarded, vacated, and literally abandoned.


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You may have heard of the infamous nuclear disaster that happened in the 80s to the power plant Chernobyl in Ukraine. Within moments, an entire town had to evacuate, having no choice but to leave everything they had behind. That, for example, is one abandoned place. But there are so much more. The only thing is, no one hears about them because they don’t make the news.

So if you’re curious to see what it looks like for a place to be completely deserted and left for nature to take reign, then this is a list you need to see. From the US to Russia, to Japan, these are the most eerily beautiful sites that have been left behind for us to observe in wonder.