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The World’s Largest and Tallest Athletes That Make Us Look Minute

All Muscle

He’s 5’11”, but Ronnie Coleman weighs 300 lbs. If you recall, that’s the same weight as a much taller offensive lineman. The Olympic weightlifter is ripped beyond belief. His arm is the size of a 10-year-old child. Coleman said that what gives him an edge over others is the way he trains.


Source: Top Planet Info

Olympic Weightlifting first emerged back in the 1896 Olympics (feel young?) and then again back in 1904. Nonetheless, it wasn’t until 1920 that the sport was permanently recognized as an Olympic Sport. With the time, by 1932, five weight divisions were established and the agreed-upon lifts were strict press, snatch and clean and jerk. This kind of sport takes a lot of commitment and quite a toll on you.